These folks have enough money that they don't stress about buying and selling their homes at all. They just have agents handle it all.My sister has moved 6 times in 15 years, each into a nicer home, and has never moved a box. This is not to say it isn't incredibly tough on kids and the higher end, partners at firms do very well, don get me wrong, but it not a ticket to the ultra rich lifestyle that could come from being an equivalently successful doctor, or an entrepreneur with a successful business.lawyers, except for those working on contingency fee cases who get lucky, are relatively limited in their total earning potential by two things:1) You need to bill hours personally to make money2) If you grow your business by adding attorneys, you need to grow your partners in the business too and give them a share of the businessman with a 100 employee enterprise is almost certainly making more than a managing partner with a 100 employee law firm, because...